ModelarDB for
Big and Fast Energy Time-Series Data
Why ModelarDB
Manage millisecond sensor data economically
Run analytics on both real-time and historical data
Save up to 99% on storage
Scalable edge-cloud solution for industrial IoT
Open source with paid enterprise features and support
ModelarDB for Wind and Solar Farms
High Frequency Datasets
Store and use all available sensor data with high frequency, e.g., 10, 50 or 100Hz
Support efficient analytics on historical data
Support real-time analytics
Monitor Details
Collect data across all turbines and parks
All sensor data is collected and transferred automatically
Enable Insight
Enable the use of high frequency data to detect problems
such as Yaw Misalignment, Blade Pitch Position, and PV Panel Soiling
Cost Savings
Save up to 99% on storage over Apache Parquet

Developers use ModelarDB for
Reduce storage costs by compressing petabytes of time series data efficiently and effectively. The data can be compressed losslessly or within a user-defined error bound.
Python Library
Read and write compressed time-series data directly in Python. The data can be stored in ModelarDB or in files, and analyzed standard Python tools such as Jupyter, Pandas, and PyTorch.
Time-series DB
Run ModelarDB as a full-fledged time-series database with SQL support.
Data is collected on the edge (e.g., wind turbines), compressed, and continuously transferred to the cloud from where all data can be queried.
Edge-Cloud Integration

About Us
ModelarData is a Danish company, founded in 2018. We are offering innovative, data-driven solutions and services to efficiently store and analyse huge volumes of highfrequency sensor data in the wind and solar energy sector.
ModelarData is a leading-edge supplier on open-source data management solutions on large data volumes and techniques to summarise time series data.
ModelarData works closely with customers and partners to jointly develop solutions that have a positive impact on energy costs and support sustainable development.
ModelarData is an internationally recognised company empowering innovative and integrated solutions that meet next-generation demand for efficiency.
ModelarData is committed to provide customers with the best solutions and services to create a more energyefficient, environment-friendly and sustainable world.
ModelarData turns the words of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals into action by providing and implementing smart solutions to reduce waste of energy and resources.